Friday, October 06, 2006

I want to ask you, what would happen if this internet non-freedom was put into place, with your phone company giving you slower connection to websites owned by companies that compete with them?

Would phone companies even be able to field the complaints from all their existing customers? How many customers do you think would complain? 60-80%? More? how many would leave for a different company? 20-30%. Can you [company] lose 1/3 of your customers to your own greed?

The internet is a flat rate call. The 1st amendment is a clear and straightforward document and the law you must obey.

We need a classical reinterpretation of the 1st amendment, and the 4th for that matter. And regarding torture, the 8th. This should do our country very well. I believe electioneering reform, media freedom, "$/voice" is within the 1st, NSA and wiretapping and secret prisons and detainment are within the 4th, and torture is within the 8th. Note that all men are created equal and therefore we have to obey the interpretation that all humans on earth and all intelligent living beings are 'created equal' and have these rights.

Think about this the next time you consider devoting money to

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