Thursday, August 24, 2006


We've got a unique situation right now. The Cuban government is at a place where they can change their view of communism substantially. Unfortunately, they have never experienced communism.

All demonstrated national communisms have been nothing more than benevolent monarchies. -William Bunker
These are not good enough. Rule by military force is unacceptable. Rule by bloc power is unacceptable. Rule emanates from the people, and the people must be able to democratically interact with their communism. However, the commune must not be affected by corrupting factors. "Elections" and not appointments must happen, and those elections must be state-funded, not privately funded. There is nothing noble in communism about having acquired lots of money. Honor is in what you have done with that money to serve others and what you would do with resource to serve more.

Private business from normal capitalism may interexperience or do business with a communism, but the people buy as a whole, like a massive commune-wide [national] union, credit union, and buyer's coop. The nation gets the best price.

The way resources should be culled and organized in a commune is by state-run business, overlapping a quasi-capitalist free market. The state's resource sector will mine and cultivate the area's natural resources, work up and have and operate factories and even commercial sectors, work with schools to train and gain skilled employees to work with the macroeconomic system, and do everything a business would do except take profit [from the communers] and overcompete, and do nothing extra except provide high personal consumption quotas for those low non-competetive, not-for-profit prices.

95% consumption goods, which 95% of the population uses, will be provided basically free, free, or free-by-assessment [IMF style interview and plans] to everybody alive in the place. State run business can provide basic goods and services for anyone. State run businesses will also give the state much greater and faster response to emergencies, and cement much of their economy into basic goods instead of credit currencies or inflationary itemization. All work and resources [money] that can be had can be shared at a very stable and predictable credit rating without high liklihood of crashing or other economic fiascos and pronounced business cycles.

This does not rule out corporations, though. Private companies can work in competition with the state-run business up to a certain size [income level] before automatically becoming more closely associated with the state, with certain private business reservations and multiple holding limitations. This automatically breaks all trusts and publishes all financial reports publicly, and places them into public hands and handling.

The commune can be 'paid' taxes in labor, in its own resources, or in money. The state, to perform services, does not need to do so much dealing in currency or payroll. It will instead own and provide the resources by organization or any project, such as a dam or a highway or a new factory or neighborhood, and call up citizens to do some of that work by their skill and training and area, and a number of other personal preferences. Do you like to travel?

Curiosity-based education, totally free to the top 75% of students and all those performing above a certain educational threshhold, will be linked to the industry's accreditation, licensing, and degree programs, and also to many state and a sea of private public service, civic, and artistic business operations.

This unique style can allow certain technological advances to be utilized. Vaporizing carburaters have been examined at 171mpg performance. State-run industry would cut their standard fuel consumption to about 10% by using these carburaters. They can also make excellent use of biodiesel fuel resources by making the vehicles run on biodiesel from the factory where they are tuned. Using special electrolysis, welding can make carbon fiber car bodies and alternative possibilities cheap, eliminating the need for a large amount of state-steel. Buildings and neighborhoods can be designed to be earth-friendly, making use of structural ferrocement, natural light earth sheltering, wind farming, and suburban, rural, and urban greenhousing. Air conditioning [and heating] can be run on a neighborhood level using geothermal and geostorage temperature systems. No company stands to make a massive profit from increased fuel or energy consumption. Even the factories can be roboticisized without fear of producing a 'shortage' of labor to be done by humans.

Farming practices can be modernized [de-modernized?] to make efficient and clean use of land and resources to produce delicious and safe foods. Lack of supercompetetive advertising and signage, even on foods, will reduce the need for artificial colorings and flavorings and extra packaging. It will reduce the level of advertising for sugary or addictive soda-waters or snacks. Organic foods with few or no preservatives can be served even in free school lunch programs, also open to the public for a small fee.

Big business franchisee Mcfood chains seen in capitalist markets will not be duplicated and local businesses and restaurants, as well as local state businesses. They can afford to give more of their economic attention to their food and service and less to international advertising and branding.

Communications power will originate with the people and public performance groups will replace the majority of major dramatic/Hollywood stardom. Commune-wide cinema and art can provide the stamina for big-budget productions while local civic dramatic production should be recorded and televised! State-run DSL is a 95% commodity, and phone systems will run through the same network system, or through radio relay via software defined radio.

Certain power plants and types of power plants can be decommissioned and neighborhood-level power facilities can be established, possibly using biofuelcells. This will eliminate a large amount of waste, irradiation, and pollution and place power control in local hands.

High technology laboratories can get busy researching whatever students and scientists want to research, spurred on by the state and public service usefulness, but not by major corporations looking to make money, have an illegal monopoly, or hook people on a product or maintenance-cure. Scholars will be driven on by public service, creativity, curiosity, and a high commune-wide standard of living and confidence.

In dealing with non-commune entities, commune industries will export products and negotiate the outsourcing of production of commune-held products and international licenses. Trade with foreign communes will be on a high usefulness/technology export basis, and on a needs-in basis. Tourism as well can be stimulated by artistic performance, international civility, high technology transportation and production, and major business agreements. If the nation becomes so fantastic that they can support themselves and have extra leftover, education donation and aid programs will be organized to the world by need and effectiveness of aid.

This could be Cuba in 20 years. It could be the world.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Artificial Competition

A company owning numerous individual companies that compete against one another creates an artificial reduction in competition. That is an internal trust. A company must display the name of their parent company on their labeling or signage.

The majority of the world's economic market is controlled by perhaps 5 companies. Many companies [even individual companies] have economies larger than countries such as Denmark or Venezuela.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Ford and Death

Ford invested in larger SUVs in the late 1990's, along with most American automakers. Clearly aware of peak oil as all such professional automakers, financial analysts, geologists, and industry and political leaders should have been, they chose to invest against the math.

Now they face decreased market competivity in an increasingly educated, active, and discerning consumer field, while Asian-corp vehicles are giving [just barely] more efficient and somewhat cheaper and more reliable products, and taking a larger share of the market.

Ford and GM actually own certain extremely efficient patents. Will those patents go on their auction block, or will they break out the Pogue carb and water fracturing and other high efficiency technologies they have been hoarding away from their competition? The choice is not in my hands, and the 10-year results will be the same.

I recommend these automakers become truthful about their patent holdings and make use of them this quarter. For the good of earth and for the good of the market.

Industrial Conditions

Please examine this video on industrial economic conditions in the 3rd world and the solution in response.

I recently wrote to Old Navy and Gap companies about their worker conditions. Their response letters were remarkably similar! I wonder if they have gathered together to help organize their commercial efforts in a way that would artificially affect prices, or if they are actually owned by the same corporation.


Hello Old Navy representative!

I am interested in knowing more about your manufacturing partners'
working conditions. I represent consumers who care about the economic
and social conditions their human partners experience, and who will
tailor their purchases to help them. Is Old Navy a company that helps
its workers live above the poverty line, or attain a good life as
defined by International and UN standards? I like doing business with
companies that treat their partners fairly.
Thank you for your interest!
William Bunker

On Sat, 19 Aug 2006 10:37:25 -0400, " Service"
<> said:
Dear William,
Thank you for your inquiry about the treatment of workers and the factories that make our clothes. We share your concern, as this is also a very important matter to us. We want our products to be made in a safe and humane environment, and we've devoted significant amounts of time, money and energy toward improving factory conditions and the lives
of garment workers.

We're committed in our efforts. Nearly a decade ago, we created a Code of Vendor Conduct establishing our principles and the expectations we have for factories that produce our clothes. Today we have one of the most comprehensive factory monitoring programs in the apparel industry with more than 90 employees around the world who are devoted to
improving the factories in which our products are made. We make both announced and surprise visits that include interviewing workers, reviewing documents, inspecting health, safety and labor conditions, and more. In addition, we work closely with nonprofit and governmental
organizations, independent monitors and community leaders, striving to promote change through greater collaboration among all concerned stakeholders.

We'd like to share more about our program with you, and we invite you to visit our web site at:
We've also recently published our first Social Responsibility Report which is available online as well. We want our customers, employees and investors to know what we're doing to improve factories, and your feedback about our efforts is greatly appreciated.
Sincerely, Claud
Customer Service Consultant

William Bunker:
"I know that factory workers receive a substantially tiny fraction of garment sales, regardless of the practices made to improve their conditions. I would like you to commit to price as a standing multiple of worker salary, or worker salary as a standing fraction of garment price. This number could be 10% of end price, but currently it ranks in the lowest single digits, with the greatest share of price going to marketing and profit. This effect will substantially improve the lives of many workers in Indonesia and other nations who make about half the poverty level of income.

The current system is unacceptable to consumers. I am pleased that you share our concern. Please publish this worker/price ratio figure on your product labeling.

Thank you for your concern!
<><>Dear Mr. Bunker,

Thank you for your inquiry about the treatment of workers and the factories that make our clothes. We share your concern, as this is also a very important matter to us. We want our products to be made in a safe and humane environment, and we've devoted significant amounts of time, money and energy toward improving factory conditions and the lives of garment workers.

We're committed in our efforts. Nearly a decade ago, we created a Code of Vendor Conduct establishing our principles and the expectations we have for factories that produce our clothes. Today we have one of the most comprehensive factory monitoring programs in the apparel industry with more than 90 employees around the world who are devoted to improving the factories in which our products are made. We make both
announced and surprise visits that include interviewing workers, reviewing documents, inspecting health, safety and labor conditions, and more. In addition, we work closely with nonprofit and governmental organizations, independent monitors and community leaders, striving to promote change through greater collaboration among all concerned stakeholders.

We'd like to share more about our program with you, and we invite you to visit our web site at:

We've also recently published our first Social Responsibility Report which is available online as well. We want our customers, employees and investors to know what we're doing to improve factories, and your feedback about our efforts is greatly appreciated.

Customer Service Consultant"

David Rockefeller says this:

"For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."

The current system is unacceptable to consumers. I am pleased that you share our concern.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Market Colonialism

The title link is a video of working contracts in Indonesia. Companies set up conduct policies, but Indonesia is run by the International Monetary Fund and World Bank and their sponsor companies such as Gap, Old Navy, and other apparel companies. The factories and warehouses routinely work employees under the projected conduct to make export deadlines. They also tell their employees not to reveal infractions. They have punishments.

Many people step up to the wonder of the world, large beautiful cities and great power and wealth, and they do not look back. They live a comfortable luxurious life and do not look back, they do not look underneath.

It is what is underneath that counts. If you live on injustice, on the backs of the innocent poor, any beauty you produce is tied also to that evil that produced it, even if physical strings draw back to the hand of that child, it is still his or hers. The great cities of the world are built by the blood of the innocent. They are filthy with it. The vast piles of wealth of the world are all stolen with the hands of the impoverished still attached to them.

How filthy is that?

The world belongs to humanity. Dispense it equally. Those who do not contribute their honest portion, that small pittance of real labor required from each to the great task of supporting us all with earth's help by God's grace, they are criminals. The axe is hanging above their heads. It is by God's mercy that their own misdeeds are not against themselves directly. Their justice is delayed momentarily, in mercy, without destroying its justness, until their case can be settled by their mind and their life.

This is a horrible situation to hear for a person who is honestly good. An honest and good person deserves no such judgement. It pains them to see that wrong has been done and because they are good they seek to right it and extend the realm of their own justice and goodness through it. Jesus Christ forgives that injustice at the beat of a repentant heart.

Please, be that repentant heart!! Please, allow God to restore those whom you have wronged, and to restore you if you have wronged. Acts done in greed and wrath and hubris are not the justice of God. As god made Moses' hand leperous for a moment to show Pharoah his power, so has the world been made horrible for a time, to show God's power. But God can heal us instantly as he healed Moses.

Ask for this healing.

This is the ground-floor consequence of IMF/WB contracts and Neo-Conservative policies. I believe we should provide goodness and righteousness and fairness to these people, and to our brothers and sisters in humanity. Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Do, love yourself.

In other situations, we have changed a nation's laws and economic foundations to give us a better market position. Costa Rica was forced to sell of its national lumber at very low rates, and now they have very few trees.

Large established and state-sponsored companies often go into Iraq or Africa with low wide prices from paid-off infrastructure and full credit from states and out-compete local businesses. Then they can raise prices or buy their foreign competetors for stock-bottom prices. This destroys foreign businesses, makes foreigners reliant on American and western companies, and pays us a boussant or a bonus price for our goods out of their pockets. Because of loan repayment, 70% of Pakistan's GDP goes to foreign countries. What they have left does not support a school system, and public fuel prices have risen considerably. This destroys the quality of life of the average Pakistani.

Now, the IMF money stolen by Suharto in Indonesia is being repaid by the Indonesian people. This is continuined sucking and neocolonialism. Financial colonialism is very similar to conventional national slavery. Both should be stopped. The ones 'at the top' answer to God, not to no one.

This is neocolonialism, and it is a largely concealed enterprise from those not in power who benefit from it. Those who do benefit from it while being in power, they help orchestrate the system.

This rift between those who benefit and know, and those who benefit and don't know, it must be fully breached before the situation can be righted.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


Because of numerous economic factors configuring into an unpleasant picture, I recommend that Americans, all Americans, review their investment and retirement strategies. This weekend. Or today if you have Friday off. details investment potentials and probabilities. Do not shift your retirement into a market-sensitive 401k. The market is not stable and your retirement will be lost. Companies, do not provide this retirement option to employees, your matchings will be lost, and your employees will suffer economically.

Individuals who plan to or are saving to retire, I recommend you shift the majority [60%] of your retirement savings to personal accounts. The remainder I would shift from investment in the general stock market to investing in selected futures and possibly into retirement real estate, after completing a study of the market's in depth 5-year and 10-year forecasts.

Please, do these things and save yourself a lot of money.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Planned Economics and "Free" Economics

Free market produces the illusion of an unplanned economy. It is silly to believe that almost any economy is 'unplanned'. They all are planned, but simply not by the state, directly. The free market economy is comprised of several major companies and the Federal Reserve money printing system. Currently we base our money around credit and oil. We used to center industry and wealth around industrial base to a far greater extent, but in the 1980's and 1990's we began outsourcing the cheap labor to save money at the risk of placing industry overseas. This began and continued a massive international investment, including the IMF, WB, and other 'world-conquering' techniques.

Also, if a country owes you $20 billion, they cannot become communist like the rival Soviet Union, and upon their failure to repay, you get to shift their market and budgets to be both favorable to you [US/Britain] and away from the Soviet-style [non-populist, also frees up money for taking].

Automakers and oil companies and manufacturers all work with the FCC and the state and the boards of industry and elite groups and industry trusts to ensure that they produce a kind of planned economy that they like. They could allow the greatest technology and other economic factors to reign, but they have collected a planned economy. Numerous industry laboratories organize to ensure that their plan is used and not others. That is a planned economy. DuPont worked with the state to ban industrial hemp so their paper treating chemical could become profitable. That is a planned economy. The American and western economies do this extensively. Finance has the entire 3rd world economy and all debt wrapped up in their company's coffers.

Free market economics are well planned. They are planned by the interests of wealthy individuals not held accountable to the people.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Linden Labs

I am really excited about applying for a job to Linden Labs! Wish me luck, world!


I have come to the conclusion that according to the American economy, debt is profit. Through finance and the central banking industry / Federal Reserve, and our lending institutions, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and international corporations sponsored through weapons deals and contracts, we are playing ball with ourselves and giving the tab to other countries or to a 'basically imaginary' hole of debt which we never intend to truly repay.

We spend extra money and finance the money from China or another lendor, or the Fed, which is a private company that simply prints 'extra' money, or dillies, or bonds, or I.O.U.'s, which are technically good as cash and have market value and can be traded or bought or sold, and even with interest collected upon them so they not only beat inflation but with floating lending rates, can provide a plausable return rate, which is dictated by the central bank, a private company.

We accumulate this debt, or finance, and we give the real money we print to a company such as Bechtel or Halliburton, which is given work in a foreign land that we mess up or with some other contract organizing resources. That is three forms of income. #1: Debt. #2: the income that the money is paid for, which we borrow. #3: the natural resource or labor that is accumulated through the work. Or possibly a condition we appreciate, such as a weapons platform in the hands of an ally, or a producing oil field, aka capital, which can then be used to make even more money.

Furthermore, all oil sales are made in dollars worldwide, even from Nigeria to Sweden. Dollars. That is money traded, exchanged through American banks, who take a profit. It is highly enriching for Americans that the world remain in a petrodollar situation, and that the world remain reliant on oil through oil-burning automobiles and factories and fuel systems, and even inefficiently, so that more oil can be traded instead of less, and more petrodollars spent, especially when there is a shortage and the price increases considerably.

This is why you get so many offers for credit cards and why the credit limit is so high, and why it has been made difficult to declare bankruptcy, and probably why the American government has such a very high debt level, and why they continue to get away with this growing debt, and how it remains seemingly profitable to spread this money out, and make such extra work for oneself. It is more profitable through this triple economy to make more work than to solve the problem.

I estimate that the US economy is actually, then, only earnestly one third as large as these bankers numbers extrapolate. The real figure is probably 2/5-3/5, as it usually seems to be.

For sources, see Alan Greenspan's currency estimation, the federal reserve's estimation on recession in the coming half decade, investigate peak oil, the WB, IMF, PNAC, see the video by democracynow! about John Perkins, ex-economic hit man for the CIA, Aaron Russo's videos on the Federal Reserve, a blue monkey, and also my left shirt pocket. You may also find Noam Chomsky's economics invigorating, and also data on freeganism.

"This didn't have to be about to happen."

Did it?

You may also note that retired CIA folks have said that 'for 2007' is when 'all parties in the world intend to lay their cards on the table'.

Various Social Commentary

I am dismayed by the process of hiring and beauracracy present in the hiring process of many large businesses. To apply for work at such a place it often requires a 30 minute ordeal of filling out forms, finding paperwork, etc. It should be made abundantly simple for the applicant. Filling out the paperwork correctly is not part of the application process.

Intent to work can be easily specified in person or by electronic media. A consent to a background check, drug screen, etc can all be organized into a 'single checkbox', along with the statement of being aware of rights. Position applied for or general application can me signified in a similar box. Complete work history is a background check, and notable work history should be the only real thing the applicant must assign.

Vital papers need not be produced immediately, and are also likely part of a background checking process, so they can be kept private until consent is given either upon verbal confirmation from the company or background checking agency, or during the interview process, depending on direction of interest.

But filling out a massive form series, checkboxes of are you are of your rights, you chose yes, is this correct, etc, it is degrading and an insulting waste of time for a worker to go through. While we're here let's add the option of joining unions while applying. I would rather see an interview, even in recorded or typewritten format, than a string of radio button questions or touch-tone answers for recorded questions. This can make the process of finding good employees easier for businesses and the process of ffinding a good company to work with easier for a worker.

Let's work on making that happen before fiscal 2007 arrives.

Investment and Market

Unregulated free wealth is not often charitable wealth, especially in business. investors expect return on their investments, which destroys the usefulness of the science in most cases, and which stagnates business and science progress in an anticompetetive place without the option of public review.

the better answer for investment is broadly spread wealth, with numerous beneficiaries contributing to scientific progress and programs. This way the wealth and return of a program is more widely distributed and jointly owned or supported. This can easily shift it to the public sector where it can be best used and developed, like freeware, or maintained by a public ordinance, like power and road companies, which should functionally be not-for-profit state organizations.

Negative Advertising

If you read this businessweek article, some people are just now realizing that some advertising is annoying and prevents customers from purchasing their products. That could be the synopsis of the whole article. Some commercials and branding are unattractive to people and they do not want to be exposed to it. Should they be forced to, in the same way that non-smokers are sometimes exposed to cigarette smoke? Well, are there obvious negative health effects from bad advertising? Irritation, biochemical and neurochemical strains, some minor consequences. It's probably no worse than radiation from a CRT tube for the duration of the commercial... which is not nothing.

But will this make you money, or bring you international distaste? No more bad ads. No more 'forced' ads. Reduced ads. Life sells itself.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Robotic Carwash Park

Hoboken's city evicted the techs and company of a Clearwater, FL robotic parking company, taking with them their manuals and such. So the robot was deactivated. The town had to use the software to get the robot to relinquish the cars. The company said they used the software without license. Both sued.

This case is imminent domain style. The cars, belonging to private citizens, and agreed to among the citizen's parking agreement [with intent to recover] have been waylaid by the company's failure to operate. They can be charged backcharges and holding fees of a civil amount/s, plus any other expenses accrued by loss of vehicle, or the town can use its right of civil authority to move the robot and free the cars.

The town clearly cannot just use the software willy nilly without a license. But to free cars, this is a civic matter, not one of business. The company should lose their license and pay court fees. The town unfortunately evicted them, so they have a precedent in that case. Depending on the terms of the eviction they may be totally right or partially wrong. In either case the software would need to be used in an emergency fashion to remove the cars.

Upon closer examination of the orders of eviction, depending on violations by the company, which could have forced them to forfeit their rights and effected emergency removal free of charge. If the company was wrongfully evicted, which seems unlikely, they could recoup license fees and certain profit-lost fees from the town. If the town acted within its own laws in evicting the company the town is right.

No. 3 Computer Makers Drops 89% of Profit

Wow, that is a substantial drop. this is profit? $ coming in after expenses? that's not so bad.

They should innovate. I recommend they begin working on linux2 and see if they can get a groovy state deal with India or Bulgaria, or another country that provides all free software.

They could try providing pre-tweaked computer sets and OS's. This will make their chips appear *much* more attractive. Perhaps 40% more attractive on the same hardware, reducing cost. They don't need to have the very latest labs or hardware synthesis. They can get by as well or better than the top competetor with better *software*, not necessarily better labs.

This could save them millions of dollars, but it is a gamble. They will need to improve customer service and provide pre-tweaked OS's, which might come from microsoft, might come from Linux2. Linux2 would be cheaper, but the consumer could also request their os.

Getting ~4ghz out of 3ghz chips would be an excellent choice, especially for a cost-saving company.

Making the linux2 examined in Super Science could take perhaps 8 months or less for the first generation to be functional.

Dude This is Frisky

Duran Duran are playing virtual concerts within Second Life on the internet. Second Life is that features avatar online world playing game where you get to make and be some dude or chick and go around getting funky stuff.

Did you know that some Chinese folk actually make a living by collecting and selling virtual video game items and selling them on Ebay? They'll go dungeon hunting for a Fire Sword +10 and sell it on Ebay for like 10 days salary in rural China to some dude from SF. It's nuts.

Dude, I might just sign up for Second Life. It's so crazy, but I hear that make you pay for something.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Silicon Valley Part 2: With Benefits

I want to extol* upon the new silicon valley tpyes, the Youtube, the Google, the YourCompanyHere and all the bloggers.

Please, be conscious and be diligent. Do not buy into the system, even if the system buys into you. I see you on the covers of magazines, I see you on wall street and in the newses. You've got power. You've got funk. You've even got edge. Keep it with us. The Ceasar should work to improve the station of all humanity. To protect the world from corruption and expose it. To strengthen the spiritual and educated and to guide the philosophers.

Make wherever you go yours, if you are from God. Do not be theirs. Get it on film.

To be proud is to die. To be subservient is weakness. To be kind is praise to God.

*don't fret. be good in spirit.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

China To Unionize Walmart

"the only thing better for workers than unions is state-owned, market-run businesses. now that's regulation of interstate commerce."

I am also interested in raising the minimum wage in America. It should be tied to inflation and also to an admissable standard of living. Chicago should set the example for the country with their recent 'living minimum wage' sentiment.

State-run business can also provide needed competition in commercial sectors with high rates of corporate profit. They would be state not-for-profit businesses, and tailor their prices and employment standards to meet needs, not make maximum buck. Their presence would force private business to compete with the state business in an open market, where the state business is backed by the people and can provide emergency equipment and lowest prices for basic goods, reducing the cost of living and giving the state greater ability to serve, and employ.

Internet Shifts to Advertising Revenue

Aol has stopped charging for broadband, and are now relying entirely on ads for income. Sensible. Hopefully this will expand the use of the all communicating internet. It may also help telecomms realize that the internet is a flat-rate call, and help humans communicate with one another, possibly speeding up the date at which all humanity will have heard of Jesus Christ.

Net Neutrality

The internet is a flat rate call.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Taxation, FED, and Representation

What is fascism anyway? Mussolini style-fascism is corporate government.

Many don't recognize that the Federal Reserve was given the authority to make America's money in 1913. The Fed is a private company, not a state institution. They are owned by numerous private individuals who are investors who have their hand basically on the top of America's head.

Circumstantially, in 1902~ a law to limit income tax at 2% was rejected as ludacris because they thought tax would never get that high. Also circumstantially, taxation should take the place of semi-mandatory charity and regulation of commerce in a way, and Congress' funds should be given in the form of charity through works for the state and for the people, focusing on those who need charity before those who want tax services. Secondarily, there is no law regarding taxation of populace except the Congress' regulation of interstate commerce, which would cover only commerce crossing state lines.

Also note the collusion between government and corporations, emphasized by this relationship of printing money as a private corporation. The state is a private organization enveloping a public system, and is overlapping the fundamental founding principles of this state, which has not grown along with private enterprise sufficient to control it.