Thursday, August 24, 2006


We've got a unique situation right now. The Cuban government is at a place where they can change their view of communism substantially. Unfortunately, they have never experienced communism.

All demonstrated national communisms have been nothing more than benevolent monarchies. -William Bunker
These are not good enough. Rule by military force is unacceptable. Rule by bloc power is unacceptable. Rule emanates from the people, and the people must be able to democratically interact with their communism. However, the commune must not be affected by corrupting factors. "Elections" and not appointments must happen, and those elections must be state-funded, not privately funded. There is nothing noble in communism about having acquired lots of money. Honor is in what you have done with that money to serve others and what you would do with resource to serve more.

Private business from normal capitalism may interexperience or do business with a communism, but the people buy as a whole, like a massive commune-wide [national] union, credit union, and buyer's coop. The nation gets the best price.

The way resources should be culled and organized in a commune is by state-run business, overlapping a quasi-capitalist free market. The state's resource sector will mine and cultivate the area's natural resources, work up and have and operate factories and even commercial sectors, work with schools to train and gain skilled employees to work with the macroeconomic system, and do everything a business would do except take profit [from the communers] and overcompete, and do nothing extra except provide high personal consumption quotas for those low non-competetive, not-for-profit prices.

95% consumption goods, which 95% of the population uses, will be provided basically free, free, or free-by-assessment [IMF style interview and plans] to everybody alive in the place. State run business can provide basic goods and services for anyone. State run businesses will also give the state much greater and faster response to emergencies, and cement much of their economy into basic goods instead of credit currencies or inflationary itemization. All work and resources [money] that can be had can be shared at a very stable and predictable credit rating without high liklihood of crashing or other economic fiascos and pronounced business cycles.

This does not rule out corporations, though. Private companies can work in competition with the state-run business up to a certain size [income level] before automatically becoming more closely associated with the state, with certain private business reservations and multiple holding limitations. This automatically breaks all trusts and publishes all financial reports publicly, and places them into public hands and handling.

The commune can be 'paid' taxes in labor, in its own resources, or in money. The state, to perform services, does not need to do so much dealing in currency or payroll. It will instead own and provide the resources by organization or any project, such as a dam or a highway or a new factory or neighborhood, and call up citizens to do some of that work by their skill and training and area, and a number of other personal preferences. Do you like to travel?

Curiosity-based education, totally free to the top 75% of students and all those performing above a certain educational threshhold, will be linked to the industry's accreditation, licensing, and degree programs, and also to many state and a sea of private public service, civic, and artistic business operations.

This unique style can allow certain technological advances to be utilized. Vaporizing carburaters have been examined at 171mpg performance. State-run industry would cut their standard fuel consumption to about 10% by using these carburaters. They can also make excellent use of biodiesel fuel resources by making the vehicles run on biodiesel from the factory where they are tuned. Using special electrolysis, welding can make carbon fiber car bodies and alternative possibilities cheap, eliminating the need for a large amount of state-steel. Buildings and neighborhoods can be designed to be earth-friendly, making use of structural ferrocement, natural light earth sheltering, wind farming, and suburban, rural, and urban greenhousing. Air conditioning [and heating] can be run on a neighborhood level using geothermal and geostorage temperature systems. No company stands to make a massive profit from increased fuel or energy consumption. Even the factories can be roboticisized without fear of producing a 'shortage' of labor to be done by humans.

Farming practices can be modernized [de-modernized?] to make efficient and clean use of land and resources to produce delicious and safe foods. Lack of supercompetetive advertising and signage, even on foods, will reduce the need for artificial colorings and flavorings and extra packaging. It will reduce the level of advertising for sugary or addictive soda-waters or snacks. Organic foods with few or no preservatives can be served even in free school lunch programs, also open to the public for a small fee.

Big business franchisee Mcfood chains seen in capitalist markets will not be duplicated and local businesses and restaurants, as well as local state businesses. They can afford to give more of their economic attention to their food and service and less to international advertising and branding.

Communications power will originate with the people and public performance groups will replace the majority of major dramatic/Hollywood stardom. Commune-wide cinema and art can provide the stamina for big-budget productions while local civic dramatic production should be recorded and televised! State-run DSL is a 95% commodity, and phone systems will run through the same network system, or through radio relay via software defined radio.

Certain power plants and types of power plants can be decommissioned and neighborhood-level power facilities can be established, possibly using biofuelcells. This will eliminate a large amount of waste, irradiation, and pollution and place power control in local hands.

High technology laboratories can get busy researching whatever students and scientists want to research, spurred on by the state and public service usefulness, but not by major corporations looking to make money, have an illegal monopoly, or hook people on a product or maintenance-cure. Scholars will be driven on by public service, creativity, curiosity, and a high commune-wide standard of living and confidence.

In dealing with non-commune entities, commune industries will export products and negotiate the outsourcing of production of commune-held products and international licenses. Trade with foreign communes will be on a high usefulness/technology export basis, and on a needs-in basis. Tourism as well can be stimulated by artistic performance, international civility, high technology transportation and production, and major business agreements. If the nation becomes so fantastic that they can support themselves and have extra leftover, education donation and aid programs will be organized to the world by need and effectiveness of aid.

This could be Cuba in 20 years. It could be the world.

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