Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I have come to the conclusion that according to the American economy, debt is profit. Through finance and the central banking industry / Federal Reserve, and our lending institutions, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and international corporations sponsored through weapons deals and contracts, we are playing ball with ourselves and giving the tab to other countries or to a 'basically imaginary' hole of debt which we never intend to truly repay.

We spend extra money and finance the money from China or another lendor, or the Fed, which is a private company that simply prints 'extra' money, or dillies, or bonds, or I.O.U.'s, which are technically good as cash and have market value and can be traded or bought or sold, and even with interest collected upon them so they not only beat inflation but with floating lending rates, can provide a plausable return rate, which is dictated by the central bank, a private company.

We accumulate this debt, or finance, and we give the real money we print to a company such as Bechtel or Halliburton, which is given work in a foreign land that we mess up or with some other contract organizing resources. That is three forms of income. #1: Debt. #2: the income that the money is paid for, which we borrow. #3: the natural resource or labor that is accumulated through the work. Or possibly a condition we appreciate, such as a weapons platform in the hands of an ally, or a producing oil field, aka capital, which can then be used to make even more money.

Furthermore, all oil sales are made in dollars worldwide, even from Nigeria to Sweden. Dollars. That is money traded, exchanged through American banks, who take a profit. It is highly enriching for Americans that the world remain in a petrodollar situation, and that the world remain reliant on oil through oil-burning automobiles and factories and fuel systems, and even inefficiently, so that more oil can be traded instead of less, and more petrodollars spent, especially when there is a shortage and the price increases considerably.

This is why you get so many offers for credit cards and why the credit limit is so high, and why it has been made difficult to declare bankruptcy, and probably why the American government has such a very high debt level, and why they continue to get away with this growing debt, and how it remains seemingly profitable to spread this money out, and make such extra work for oneself. It is more profitable through this triple economy to make more work than to solve the problem.

I estimate that the US economy is actually, then, only earnestly one third as large as these bankers numbers extrapolate. The real figure is probably 2/5-3/5, as it usually seems to be.

For sources, see Alan Greenspan's currency estimation, the federal reserve's estimation on recession in the coming half decade, investigate peak oil, the WB, IMF, PNAC, see the video by democracynow! about John Perkins, ex-economic hit man for the CIA, Aaron Russo's videos on the Federal Reserve, a blue monkey, and also my left shirt pocket. You may also find Noam Chomsky's economics invigorating, and also data on freeganism.

"This didn't have to be about to happen."

Did it?

You may also note that retired CIA folks have said that 'for 2007' is when 'all parties in the world intend to lay their cards on the table'.

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