Thursday, June 19, 2008

Royal Bank of Scotland Gives Latest Economic Warning second event

The economic hardship risk analysis that has been coming out in reference to the pending economic disaster since the early 2000's came one bead closer when the Royal Bank of Scotland warned on Tuesday of a 'nasty' selloff in the coming 3 months producing the worst economic downturn of a century.

This is a scheduled event in the global market being foretold. The Royal Bank of Scotland mentioned that 'one of the major risks always associated with globalism was putting bankers into a tight spot'. This tight spot is planned for the purpose of overturning the world's markets from government control to primarily business control. A world depression is the ultimate deregulation of markets.

Market share and comfortability of executives is unlikely to decline. Global economic competition is assured to intensify and control will likely solidify in the musical chairs economy for world ownership.

This event system is in the timeline of Carlyle Group's Fall 2006 leaked memo saying that the world economic community had a 12-24 month window after which time there would be "zero liquidity". It began in Fall 2007 with the series of credit crises, and has progressed through American fuel price escalation and dramatic dollar value decreases. This fall, when the RBS has forecasted a massive selloff, is the closing of that predicted window, and may be the culmination of a series of global risks coming to light.

1. Global depression and fuel crisis
2. Illegal war against Iran
3. Domestic crackdowns
4. A rigged 2008 American election
5. A false flag domestic terrorism event, possibly the nuking of Portland, Oregon or another American city by American forces to be blamed on Iran and our enemies.

The HAARP installation in Alaska is a machine run by the CIA and designed to send sympathetic or antagonistic waves to affect the vibration of earth and the ionosphere. Just as HAARP can affect the vibration of earth, alchemy can affect the vibration of an atom or a molecule. Danny Klein's Aquygen from Clearwater, Florida, uses special electrolysis just like the HAARP to crack atoms apart using a special frequency. His test car ran 100 miles using 4 ounces of water.

This invention could solve our entire economic woe. But it appears our companies and governments do not want this for they have bought such patents and concealed them for decades.

It seems prophesied that Barack Obama is the antichrist. The antichrist has been prophesied as a man in his 40's of muslim descent who will charm the world and be adored like Christ. It is probable that Barack Obama, if elected president, will become the sitting chairman of a condensing world economic community during his term.

December 21, 2012 is the day when earth will pass through a once-in-5125-years astronomical arrangement with the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. The years preceding and following this date are similar to the early and late hours on the night of a full moon. A full moon has effects similar to this galactic eclipse, but the power of the entire Milky Way Galaxy will be focused on earth in the way the full moon focuses on earth. The illogical and unwise choices made by governments are the opposite of what a responsible civilization would do to prepare for such an event. The ones who do prepare for this event in truth and honesty are the ones who are the leaders of the human race.

Governments who fail to protect and guide us during this time are shameful piles of beauracracy and abuse.

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