Monday, March 31, 2008

Hello! How do you feel about Obama? I take it you like him.

Do you know that our telephones currently have pre-crime tone detection? There are certain tones humans use before they are about to commit a crime, when they tell a lie, when they truly mean something or love, and on other unique occasions that our NSA listens for using computers through our telecommunications networks.

I believe that these kinds of systems can and should be used on politicians.

Using a crude method of analyzing the tone of Barack Obama, I have found that he is indeed lying, but that he believes in his own lies, which skews the sensor. I believe this in combination with a number of attractive but non-material concessions has tricked the American people into favoring him in a cultlike way.

I approve of some of his platforms. He has promoted decriminalizing marijuana and I approve of soft drug laws. [The whisper is that soft drug laws will be coming around Thanksgiving, and I do not believe Hillary or McCain approve of drug liberalization, so I believe Obama has been given the top hat for the win by the big wigs in November.]

He wants to create a national healthcare plan, which I believe is unconstitutional to force people to engage in or devote money to, but which I support the provision of for people who want to participate in a nationally-negotiated citizens' healthcare group.

I am displeased with the market provisionof healthcare plans, butI do not think the government will effectively run healthcare to the benefit of consumers. I believe the program will be an additional taxpayer overinvestment and destabilize our nation further. Without changing the private Federal Reserve system, our fiat currency, and major corporations, we will have a difficult time controlling our economy.

We can leave Iraq more quickly than 16 months. I also want to see a candidate act on 9/11 truth and the illegal invasions. Has he sponsored or voted on a bill to impeach George Bush? I will.

His 'Middle East Compact' is not sufficient. We have a congress and a Judiciary that we should employ to review our war crimes in Iraq. Giving this to an international agency is a globalization when the authority lies with we the American people. We can try other national war criminals in absentia in Massachusetts, where I will ask to mandate the arrest and/or absentia trial of war criminals in a way similar to France and Germany's law systems, or try them at The Hague.

His economic stimulus package will further provoke inflation, a more serious wound toour economy. We've experienced over 50% inflation in the years since 2000. We need to balance our budget and not continue to spend as freely as the state does. My plan is to publicize the issue that the Federal income tax is unConstitutional and to ask workers to stop paying it. Numerous cases in our courts have been won on these Constitutional grounds. To honor our nation's foundation and to repair our damaged budget, this is the best economic answer. An extra $5,000 to $50,000 a year from ending a 15-37% annual tax on your income would be a powerful operation.

No child left behind has been cataclysmic to our students. I would promote home schooling and special 2nd shift school programs involving teachers and parents together in evenings with students in a more open environment. Students could switch at any time to participate in the alternative grading system and earn achievement awards from day one or the last day of school based on their merit and performance on reviews and tests in the fields of their choosing. This would be a true "A's-per-week" measurement insteadof the A-F scale and relative grading with social promotion.

These policies make me a better candidate for president and for local office. I don't support Barack Obama. I also do not support Hillary Clinton, who is staying in the race to help refine Barack. John McCain's military aggressiveness make him very unfavorable in my book and will not vote for him. My vote will go to Ron Paul for his liberty and freedom loving ways, his sound economics, and for creating an environment that is community-friendly and supportive of truth and investigation.

<>< William

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