Saturday, December 01, 2007


I will not be trading in ameros. I do not accept responsibility for the irresponsible actions of those organizing the printing and spending of dollars. By being in this economy and trading in dollars, or ameros, I am helping support their strength and misuse.

Please do what you can to reduce dollar use. Surprisingly, using paper money and not credit is one of the better ways to reduce dollar use. Every dollar you put into the bank produces about $100 of credit for other individuals. Every dollar you owe also makes about 100 new dollars of credit to be lent as well.


The end of Free Speech in America has arrived at our doorstep. It's a new law called the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act, and it is worded in a clever way that could allow the U.S. government to arrest and incarcerate any individual who speaks out against the Bush Administration, the war on Iraq, the Department of Homeland Security or any government agency (including the FDA). The law has already passed the House on a traitorous vote of 405 to 6, and it is now being considered in the Senate where a vote is imminent. All over the internet, intelligent people who care about freedom are speaking out against this extremely dangerous law: Philip Giraldi at the Huffington Post, Declan McCullagh at CNET's, Kathryn Smith at, and of course Alex Jones at

Oil has fallen to around $90 per barrel, but Hugo Chavez has said if the US doesn't stop effing with Venezuela, as shown in Operation Pliers, he will halt the 15% of our oil that comes from his country. This would make peak oil today. We have manipulated his elections, tried to kill him, and plotted coups to overthrow his government. We have operations of this sort in every country with valuable resources or manipulatable leaders.

I advise retirees to examine their financial vehicles. It is very probable that income taxation will end in 2009. It may be wise to remove savings now and place them in secure areas, as the dollar is collapsing and you probably won't have to pay tax on them or be audited until income taxes are eliminated. If you are audited, men and women from Louisianna and Nevada have been acquitted of income tax evasion and still do not pay income taxes. Ex-IRS agents have not paid taxes for years and years and don't plan to, because they have seen that there is no law saying they should or can.

House Bill S1959 might have me arrested for writing this kind of downturn-warning economic news and other news. This is protected by natural law, my first and fourth amendment, and by the fact that no warrant could reasonably be issued to investigate me based on these statements or any others I have made in my life. I am a non-violent man. House Bill S1959 would give far greater leverage to the enforcers of law to charge arrest investigate and do with as they please outside the law. It passed the house recently with a ~400-6 vote. Call your senators to ban it at Ron Paul doubtless voted against it.

Who else voted against S1959?

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