Monday, June 04, 2007

China's stock market dropped something like 8%. I speculated openly this past weekend that America sold its mfu base in preparation for peak oil, at which point we will break out the new Exxonmobil energy technologies and outfox those whom we recently sold our base to. We have seeded our competetors with poor technology in preparation for our own scheduled crisis/release.

Peak oil is scheduled for the early quarters of 2008. Perhaps summer driving season. It will be more like a biquarter event of scaling prices, during which time we can produce media spotlights on our most favorable (c) technologies and build new industrial bases and make use of American, Mexican, and Iraqi[/Iranian] oil to produce a peak oil spike that our competetors will not be able to follow.

"Will we need Iranian oil in the future to corner the market?"
"How much will it 'cost' to get that Iranian oil?"


Will we be able to use this market condition to improve society, or not? We have not been successful in accumulating a positive association between wealth and goodness of society. Our many dynamic efforts to shake out society have been thwarted and thwart ourselves. They are also beginning/continuing to 'poison the well', as are our politics globally.

We've formed a chunk that will not get through our filter. What do we do about this chunk and about our filter? Both have failed.

You fail.

You lose all major assets. You lose all major control. The successful portion is vapor off the top, which reorganizes into a new mesh.

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