Friday, March 02, 2007

Debt is an unreal number

Fantastic news tonight from the US Labor Secretary in interview.

"03 02 2007: US Labor Secretary indicates that we're ready to switch to a 'very sustainable' free energy economy 'sooner rather than later'. Labor market looks fantastic."

We lose more jobs to technology than the average recession per year. China has a net loss of manufacturing jobs due to technology, even as they take in manufacturing jobs from foreign markets. This means that as technology replaces man power, more labor can potentially be done with the same resources. Otherwise, technology would be abandoned for manpower. Because there is a loss of labor to be done as it is replaced by technology, it is necessary for the wealth produced by this technology to be distributed fairly. Labor must have leads in or labor will collapse under technology. Labor collapsing means the general market collapses if the majority of humanity has no income potential. By using free energy, all laborers can be turned into techs, farmers, or capitalists, and free efficient machines can perform all meaningful jobs of labor. This will produce a booming economy forever.

Regarding Billy Bunkie the Science Junkie's term on non-negative numbers, and debt being 'in the red', we must resolve our understanding of what debt is. A negative number is not a 'debt', as nothing can be less than a vacuum, but it is a resolution for this place to be filled by something else becoming zero. This can be a partition of a grouping, such as 'part of my resource' or 'part of my labor'.

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